Build Cohesive Teams

I can help when you need to…

  • Help a new team establish itself and get off to a great start

  • Review and refresh the way a long-standing team works together

  • Support a team to adapt quickly to changing circumstances

  • Tackle complex problems together as a team

  • Improve the way you work with other teams across the organisation

I’ll help you and the team…

  • Determine the best way to work together

  • Develop a deeper understanding of each other

  • Adapt quickly and effectively to changing circumstances

  • Address challenges collaboratively

  • Have difficult conversations well


Team Coaching and Development

Working with an independent coach to support your team conversations can be transformational.  

When I work with your team in this way, I’ll help you to build trust, disagree constructively, commit to taking action and hold each other to account.

I’ll listen carefully to find out what really matters to you and the other team members, then work with you to create the solution that will help you achieve your collective goals.

This might include:

  • Establishing or reviewing roles and responsibilities

  • Observing and giving feedback in “real time” at meetings

  • Team diagnostics (360 feedback)

  • Analysing ways of working

  • Understanding each other more deeply

What Clients Say

It was a great pleasure working with Liz. Her rare combination of high emotional intelligence and a keen understanding of management was a great support to me in building my team and strengthening a sense of direction and solidarity among quite a diverse group of colleagues. Working with discretion, creativity and discipline, Liz helped my team and I build a shared appreciation of how everyone’s roles best complement each other. Her background in senior management and staff development bring a real-world gravitas, and Liz is also an excellent coach. I would jump at the chance to work with Liz again.
— Communications Director

Group Facilitation

Whether you want to work through a plan for change, bring a large group of people together to learn and network, or review a critical incident, I can help you plan and deliver the event.  

I use methods such as Appreciative Enquiry, Open Space and World Cafe to engage diverse audiences no matter what the size.  

With larger groups I work with trusted associates to make sure that everything runs smoothly no matter how complex the meeting is.

These events are always creative and interactive, helping participants engage with each other to explore the issues.

What Clients Say

Liz is an extraordinarily skilled group facilitator. She is able to support and challenge groups to develop themselves and achieve more than they could ever have imagined. One of Liz’s particular strengths is in working with teams or groups struggling through conflict. I’ve seen her work with teams in difficult, and sometimes seemingly impossible, situations and lead them to understanding, conciliation and harmony. I would highly recommend using Liz to work with challenging teams and groups.
— Learning and Development Manager

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