Resolve Team Conflict

I can help you when:

  • You feel like most of your time is spent dealing with people in your team who don’t get along

  • You are worried that negative dynamics are damaging the team’s productivity, reputation and the wellbeing of team members

  • You recognise that the team needs support to have a difficult conversation well

If the team you are part of is experiencing conflict or dysfunction, I’ll support you to work through the issues and re-establish the trust needed to get back on track.

When I support teams to work through conflict, I  talk to each team member to find out what they hope to achieve through the resolution process.  I’ll then design a process for the team to explore the issues they are facing and agree how they’ll improve how they work together going forwards.

Where needed I’ll offer one-to-one coaching for team members and/or mediate between two employees.


What Clients Say

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so very much for the work that you have done with us over the last few weeks. I have really enjoyed working with you, and having you guide us through what was inevitably going to be a challenging process has been invaluable.  Thankyou Liz, I really cannot tell you how much your input has made a difference.
— CEO 

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