Helping a Future CEO Find Her Voice

Patricia (whose name I’ve changed to main confidentiality) was a senior manager, struggling to connect with and lead a team made up of people from several different countries around the world.

Patricia and her manager approached me for help.  Patricia was excellent at the technical aspects of her job, and in her home country she was a respected people manager.  

Together Patricia and her manager had realised that in this particular team, her style of communication was very different to that of her colleagues, and they were struggling to build trust and understanding which was causing a huge amount of frustration for everyone.

I worked with Patricia as her coach over 6 months

By helping Patricia to appreciate her strengths, understand the challenges she and her colleagues faced, then develop strategies for the team to improve their communication and have meaningful conversations with each other.

I lost touch with Patricia for several years, but through a chance meeting we reconnected.  Patricia was now the CEO of an innovative, international social enterprise.  

I was thrilled to learn that Patricia credited the work we did together as one of the catalysts for setting her off on the path that led her to this point.

The organisation which Patricia now leads works successfully in four countries, providing life-saving services to governments and institutions in some of the most challenging environments in the world.

I’m proud to have been part of Patricia’s journey.

Liz, you helped me find my voice, and I’ve been using it ever since.
— Patricia