Develop Skills for Collaboration

I offer learning programmes and coaching to help managers and teams acquire the skills to 

  • Transform workplace conflict

  • Have challenging conversations well

  • Building trusting working relationships

  • Lead organisations with authenticity and impact

  • Manage others to deliver great results

I do this through lively, interactive, practical learning programmes and performance coaching, all of which can be delivered virtually or face-to-face.

Management Skills

Skills To Transform Conflict


Leadership Development

I’ll work with you to develop a programme that meets the unique needs of employees who are required to demonstrate leadership in their roles.  

These bespoke programmes are always rooted in contemporary leadership thinking and evidence-based practice.

I call on a wide range of methodologies including workshops, masterclasses, action learning sets, one-to-one coaching, online learning and reflective practice.

All programmes have a strong emphasis on the importance of  self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

I’ve designed and delivered leadership programmes in a wide range of organisations around the world, tailoring the programmes for their individual contexts and challenges.  This includes the travel industry, the financial sector, universities, charities, international aid agencies and environmental campaigning organisations.


People Management

Being a Brilliant Manager Programme

Have you ever had a manager who was brilliant?  What did they do and say?  How did they treat you?  

In the Being a Brilliant Manager Programme we look at what it takes to foster great working relationships, establish fair and inclusive teams and rebuild trust when things go wrong.

You can select the sessions that meet the specific needs of your organisation and create a 3-day, 2-day, 1-day or half-day programme

Examples of the sessions you can choose from to create your bespoke programme include:  

  • Having difficult conversations well

  • Building inclusive teams

  • Helping virtual teams thrive

  • Working through team conflict

  • Supporting people through change

  • Enabling employee wellbeing

  • Supporting others to develop

  • Collaborating across teams

  • Understanding effective people management

  • Managing with your organisation’s values

  • Understanding your impact on others

  • Adapting your management style

  • Supporting motivation in others

  • Giving and receiving feedback

  • Delegating for development

To help people embed learning back in the workplace you can add in one-to-one or group coaching sessions.

What Clients Say

My brain is buzzing now”
“That was so empowering”
“I can’t wait to go and apply it

Coaching Skills for Managers Programme

In this highly interactive one-day programme you learn to use a number of frameworks and tools to develop a coaching approach with colleagues, to help them fulfil their potential and deliver great results.

This is practical programme, draws on the latest thinking in coaching and my extensive experience of managing teams and coaching others both in person and remotely.

What Clients Say

Liz is a great professional and we trust her to deliver exactly to the brief. Our Coaching Skills course, which has been run many times by Liz now, has made a real impact in developing our coaching culture and enabling all our people, not just managers, to develop really essential coaching skills.

Skills To Transform Workplace Conflict

These learning programmes provide the insight, knowledge and skills for colleagues to work through conflict and put their relationships back on track.

Each of the following topics are usually offered as either a half-day or a full day workshop. They can be delivered online or face-to-face.

If your business needs something different I can create a bespoke solution that meets your needs.

  • Rebuilding Trust At Work

  • Thriving in A Hybrid Team

  • Creating Psychological Safety At Work

  • Having Inclusive Conversations

  • Helping Teams Disagree Productively

  • Collaborating Across Teams

  • Resolving Workplace Conflict

  • Navigating Conflict in Teams

  • Transforming Challenging Relationships

  • Having Difficult Conversations Well

  • Managing Tough Meetings Effectively

  • Speaking Up For Yourself and Others

What Clients Say

We love Liz! Her positive approach, enthusiastic and engaging delivery mean that whether it’s training, team coaching or a strategy day, you have fun and enjoy the day as well as being productive and learning so much.
— Learning and Development Manager

Executive Coaching

If you want to focus on issues that you’re currently facing at work, one-to-one coaching can be invaluable.

Perhaps you want help to think through some tricky team dynamics, you might want to explore how you can help your team feel more empowered or perhaps you need to have some difficult conversations with others and you need help to think about how to do that well.

I’ve been coaching senior leaders for over 15 years, helping them reflect and find solutions to challenging dilemmas as they manage and lead teams.

I hold an Advanced Diploma in Coaching (accredited by the EMCC) and a Certificate in Coaching Supervision.

If you’d like to chat about how coaching can help you, please get in touch.

If you have a very specific focus in one of the following areas, I can put you in touch with one of my trusted associate coaches:

Career development

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Personal Well-being Strategies

  • Personal transition

What Clients Say

The best professional development I’ve ever invested in is working with Liz as my coach.
— Deputy Headteacher

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