My Story

Hi, I’m Liz.

I support leaders to create workplaces where people can thrive, where challenging conversations are held with compassion and relationships are rebuilt when things go wrong.

We all have the potential to damage each other through the way we behave and the conversations we have at work.  I’m sure you can think of examples where this has happened to you or someone you know.  When our relationships at work become dysfunctional it can have a negative impact on our confidence, our ability function in our jobs, our home life and our health.

Drawing on over 20 years of experience leading teams internationally, I’m passionate about supporting leaders to establish well led, fairly managed, conflict-resilient workplaces.


My Experience

Since 2014 I’ve been working as a consultant and coach with organisations and businesses to help them create healthy and productive workplaces.

I started my career managing a hospital in Pakistan.  I’ve since worked in senior operational management in the travel industry and as the Head of a Learning and Organisation Development Team in the international aid sector.

Through these experiences I’ve developed a deep understanding of what it takes to work in complex environments to create positive workplace cultures, build cohesive teams and develop the skills needed to work collaboratively with others.


My Qualifications

I’m an accredited coach and organisation development specialist.  

I have a MSc. in Developing People and Organisations, the NTL Certificate in Organisational Development, an Advanced Diploma in Coaching (Masters Level) and a Post Graduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution.  I’m also an accredited MBTI Step 1 and Step 2 practitioner. 

For a full list of my professional qualifications and experience, join me on LinkedIn.